"I'm thrilled to announce $640,000 in community project funding that I secured for @YWCAWhitePlains!From creating a new space for its Westchester Center for Racial Equity to expanding day care and afterschool programming, this funding will be transformative for our district."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mondaire Jones:
"Thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, @FTA_DOT will distribute $1.47 billion in competitive grant funds to help modernize our bus fleets and facilities. With these grants, we can ensure better commutes and combat our climate crisis all at the same time. twitter.com/FTA_DOT/status"Read on Twitter
"For updates on district funding, casework wins, and what I'm working on in Washington, subscribe to our weekly newsletter here: jones.house.gov" on March 13Read on Twitter
"Daylight Savings Reminder: Set your clocks an hour later! " on March 12Read on Twitter