County Executive George Latimer | Official website of Westchester County
County Executive George Latimer | Official website of Westchester County
Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins and Veterans Service Agency Director Josh Gaccione have announced the creation of the Westchester County Veterans Advisory Council. The council is intended to improve support for veterans and their families by encouraging open communication and providing guidance on county policies and programs.
In addition to seeking new members, Jenkins and Gaccione have appointed the first members of the council. The council will collaborate with Gaccione to expand outreach efforts to local veterans and service members, ensuring they have direct access to county government leadership.
Jenkins emphasized the importance of supporting veterans: "Making sure we serve those who have served us is a top priority for this administration, because what we do for our veterans, and for their families, is a measure of who we are. Westchester has many brilliant, dedicated and creative people among our veterans, like our appointees, I know that the council we are assembling will be a tremendous asset to Veterans Service Agency Director Josh Gaccione in making sure our veterans and their families get the services and support they deserve."
Gaccione highlighted the need for active engagement: "As the old Marine Corps slogan goes, we're looking for a few good – people -- to make sure our Agency is doing everything necessary to provide for veterans in Westchester. Active input from and engagement with our veterans is key to us doing our jobs better. Our first appointees are people with tremendous records of service and outstanding achievement and expertise. I invite anyone with an interest in serving to reach out. Even if you just want to share your ideas or find out how the Westchester Veterans Service Agency can help you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here for you."
Those interested in joining the Veterans Advisory Council can contact the Veterans Service Agency via email.