There was an unchanged number of active legal licenses in New York County in September compared to the previous month, according to the NYS Attorney Registrations.
TZP Strategies Acquisition Corp. (TZPS:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in New York on Oct. 14.
TZP Strategies Acquisition Corp. (TZPS:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in New York on Oct. 14.
Western Asset Investment Grade Defined Opportunity Trust Inc. (IGI:NYQ) was the strongest performing Closed End Investments company headquartered in New York on Sept. 28.
TZP Strategies Acquisition Corp. (TZPS:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in New York on Oct. 14.